So Far... These Things

deathabuse: An internet record label that I started with a few friends. It hasn't really taken off because we haven't sorted out how to have a job, go to school, have a hobby and also have another hobby.
   - Have a simple HTML layout, akin to late 2000's websites. Post-Geocities, pre-Wordpress.
   - Release music that I create on Bandcamp and link it on this website.
   - Release music that others create, they keep all the proceedings for digital music.
   - Release physical editions of albums, this would be a break-even operation. Fair prices for people who want the music.

THUG Pro Mapping: I've always been a fan of the Tony Hawk series and I've finally decided to make maps that I think I'd like to play.
   - Make many levels, like a full games worth of levels. I ultimately one day want to make a skateboarding video game. These THUG Pro levels will be blueprints.
   - Currently working on: Cul-De-Sac. A neighborhood level that will actually be good.